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Prayer After The Rosary

Prayer after the Rosary

O God, whose only begotten Son,

by His life, death, and resurrection has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life,

grant, we beseech Thee, that meditating upon these mysteries in the

most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

we may imitate what they contain, and obtain what they promise:

through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

How to Say the Rosary (1937)

Oh God whose only begotten Son prayer

By concluding the rosary with the Prayer after the Rosary, it is a beautiful way to think about the Blessed Fruit of Mary’s womb, Jesus one last time before finishing. It talks about how Jesus is the one Son who not only was born a human and died (while suffering for us), but He also resurrected for us, His poor banished children! This prayer brings up the fact that He died for our sins and because of this immense love He has for us, we now get to have eternal life!

After that, the prayer mentions that meditating on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary, we are able to remember the sacrifices that Jesus made for us and what His life held.

The ending of this prayer brings up the beautiful fact that we can try to imitate Him and to live our best life for Him!

It’s a great way to end the Rosary!

Related: Hail Holy Queen Prayer

Catholic Prayer after the Rosary


Be sure to save this Prayer After the Rosary prayer so you can remember to pray it after the Rosary or save it to your phone and have it there.

Prayer after Rosary - Concluding Rosary Prayer

Closing Prayer After Rosary

Praying the Rosary is one of those prayers that always makes you feel better afterwards. However, when you are first learning it or coming back to it, it can seem overwhelming (there are many optional prayers after the Rosary). More often then not you feel that you are most likely doing it wrong. This is evident with questions on forums and Facebook groups where they ask about what prayers to do, what time of the day, is it important to pray the whole thing at one time, or what about praying all four mysteries at once.

That sounds exhausting and who can blame the ones who give up before they begin?

It’s important to not be so hard on yourself while praying the Rosary. Instead, focus on why you are doing it in the first place! You want to become closer to the heart of Jesus and Sweet Virgin Mary! God always knows your intentions and your reasons! Don’t feel belittled or compare yourself to anyone else! Let the Holy Spirit fill you up!

To make things easier, there is a list of prayers at the end of the Rosary that you can choose to pray, or not.

Prayers at the end of the Rosary

Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary


St. Michael

If you are pressed for time, then you only need to finish with the concluding prayer of the Rosary and that’s it! But if you want to, then add those prayers and enjoy every minute of them! Try to make time for our Holy Mother every day!

Rosary Closing Prayer | Closing Prayer After Rosary

Prayer After Rosary FAQ’s

How do you conclude a rosary?

It is best said with the prayer “Prayer after the Rosary” also known as “O God whose only begotten Son Prayer”. You can also say the Memorare prayer or a wonderful way to end the prayer is with Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. But the best way to conclude a Rosary is to truly meditate on the mysteries and do so with a loving heart.

What is the last prayer in the rosary?

Besides the Prayer at the end of the Rosary, the Hail, Holy Queen prayer or also known as Salve Regina.

What are the 3 main Catholic prayers?

It is hard to limit to only 3 main Catholic prayers, but the main three Catholic prayers said often in the rosary is…

Our Father or The Lord’s Prayer
Hail Mary
Glory be and Fatima Prayer

How often should I pray the rosary?

As much as you can!

You can pray a little part of it throughout the day so at the end of the day it is one full mystery.

You can pray it once a week, but it is about doing it as much as you can! It is said that if you pray the Rosary every day that it can lead to peace and our Mother Mary had come and explained the 15 promises of praying the Rosary. However, if at the season of your life, it is nearly impossible, then don’t feel guilty about it. Just do your best.

Does listening to the rosary count?

Of course it does!

For some, especially with long commutes or little children, this might be the only way to do it at the time being. It’s not just the rosary that matters, it always comes down to your heart!


Saturday 18th of January 2025

“O God whose only begotten Son Prayer” Who is the author?


Wednesday 9th of August 2023

Very good suggestion