Prayer Before Meals
Bless, we beseech Thee, O heavenly Father, these Thy gifts which we have received from Thy bounty. Grant us grace to enable us to make use of all for Thy glory and our own well-being, and may nothing ever separate us from Thy love. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
O God, from Whom all blessings flow, These gifts Thou dost on us bestow We bless Thee for our daily bread, Oh, may our souls by Thee be fed
Short form of Grace at Table – Grace before Meals
This one is the most widely used one with others. Of all the prayers, this one is the best to memorize and familiarize yourself with.
Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty: through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer after Meal
We thank Thee, Lord, Whose love doth give The food whereby Thy creatures live. Oh, grant us when this life is o’er To dwell with Thee forevermore
We thank Thee, O heavenly Father, for the nourishment which we have received and for all the graces and benefits which Thou hast bestowed upon us. Praise and glory be to Thee, O God, on high, peace on earth to men of good will, blessing on all our benefactors! Give eternal rest to all the faithful departed, and bring us, when this transitory life is past, to eternal joy and felicity. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Related: What Happens When You Pray for Your Enemies
Short form of Grace at the Table – Grace After Meals
We give Thee thanks, O almighty God, for all Thy benefits. Who liveth and reigneth now and forever. R. Amen.
Vouchsafe, O Lord, to reward with eternal life all those who do us good for Thy name’s sake. R. Amen.
V. Let us bless the Lord. R. Thanks be to God.
V. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. R. Amen.
The Catholic Girl’s Guide 1906